The novel is about two relationships.two love relationships one is going yo be successful the other won't. DHL here is talking about physical love: he thinks that human beings exist physicaly and not spiritualy: "i exist becus i exist physically. The identity of the characters is related to tge physical aspect.
- DHL prceives sociaty the way he understands it.
- in this novel we sense the centrality of human beings.
- the chatacters are not visible within the sociaty one cant know everything about them.
- symbols will be used to evoque certain characters .in approching this strange, unconcious part of this characters, DHL will use symbols. When Gudurn finds out this strange part of Gerald she associates him with light. Lighted: means that she was facinated with his strangness. Gerald crich is associated with symbols of light and water in its deferent forms. Whenever they talk about him there is always some light associated with him.
Knowledge is aquired trough cognitive means in oder words to have kbowldge trough perceptive means. Suggesting that one dont get knowldge from books but rather one can get knowldge from things themselfs.
- DHL believes that the mind maybe good but it can destroy the being.
- the autor is trying to explor the unconcious desire of the characters.
- there is also within the novel an attempt to constract an individual thats stands for a whole civilization. In order to build him as an individual that stands for the whole it will be built to remind the society of an important figure. The similarities between G.Crich and christ=but not on the religious aspect. One of the main similarities is the name= and both were not married. The character we are dealing with is not a normal character, he is meant to stand for the whole civilization and his life is as important as the while civilization.
Smilling woolf: means that behind his smile there is a kind of deferent nature. The intentions behind it are not good. He is perfect as far as tge social values( socialy speaking) are conserned, but in fact he has a hidden dark part he can grow to a vilent animal in any time. His desires are vilent, he is bloody person but in the smar time he is calm and still, he is like a woolf the share the same nature.
-DHL belIeves that culture is invented by men. It is a matter of knowldge.
Hermione sticks to society. hermione is going to be associated with the chines race( tgere is an analogy established between her and the chines race) physicalyy speeking she is week and peel= her identity is destroied bcuz she feeds on ideas. Hermione succumb to this reality of realizing whi she is.= brought to closer to ger identity. Before she was living in a illusionary world. Tge social status that she used to enjoy is vanishing . She said that when it comes to the world of ideas no one can put her down but he went beneath all her defences and made her realize who she realy is . His presence destroyed her becuz he is a man that doesnt stick to illusion. She want to take him as a lover but he thinks that she us nothing similar to a book. She is not that good lookinh woman any more becuz now she sees her self exactly tge way she is. She was described as a living dead.
- the process of desulotion will lead to death according to ritual scheeme.
DHL expresses the idea of the mind destroies the body, subjection of the body to the mind , this subjection means the destruction of the body, the destruction of one's essence. The things associated with the mind belong to the power of destruction and not the power of creation. He critisized science: he thinks that it is good but it helps in the destruction of humanity. The technology does not bring happiness, it brings more work more destruction and more suffering. It is good but at the same time it is destructive becuz it targets human sensebility. DHL wants to show that what the mind make does not necessary bring happiness ro human kind, insteed of producing happiness and love it produces suffering and destruction of senses. The mind is the sourse of all this suffering.insteed of controlling the machine, the machine is controlling them. They are subjugated by them and they have lost the hope.
- if Gerald has succeeded to build up a system its becus those miner has accepted it, and becuz they find a certain satisfaction in it . Gerald represents the religion that feel and desire. He is a man that they follow and worship. This system they find themself in is what they unconsciously desire, so we can say that Gerald is in a certain sense responding to the miners desire, it is not realy imposed on them . The miners find a certain satisfaction in this destruction.
- the workers and Gerald feel no need/ no obliation to greet each other, they intract between each other in a mechanical way, they have moved outside the himan scop. The relationship between them is and him is the one found on instrumentality, they deal with each other as instruments= their importance depends on their performance, they are not important as humans. They look at Gerald as an instrument and he does the same. He is like them he is just ahead.
- when we read about Gerald we discover that he is associated with death. He is a man who is able to give death. All what he is capable of is giving death( systomatic destruction of his familly). He has gone too far in the process of death. Gerald usher in a new era and makes an end to his father's. His father is important to him but somewhere inside him he desireshis death. He unconsciously desires his father's death. Unconsciously gerald is awar that the death of his father is the begining of his own. As his father is going through the process of death Gerald is becoming week. All his life he was a man interested in this mechanical activities, He has succeeded to make eveything perfect that he himself has become useless.he started to feel a certain emptyness within, he does not know what he was anymore. The fact of becoming useless has transformed him into the state of unexistance, he has reached a point when he realized he is empty inside. Death is invading him becuz everything has become meaningless, and when everything becomes meaningless automaticly life becomes meaningless. has become meaningless. He started to feel what it means to be dead.
- the death of Geralds father is not dealt with as a death of an individual but rather it is universal it is the desth of humanity in general
The living death: they are living but they are in a state of death.
- Gerald is deferent from the others he is s man who does not try to live in death, but rather he gives death. His father is dead and geraldcfound himself face to face with he moves trying to leave death behind him but infact he is just getting closer to it.
Gerald and Gudurn: what had brought them together is corruption and sense of destruction and not love, they are quite similar. The underbridge in where they make love is desribed as aworld of darkness ( the underworld) which is reminding the reader of the grave with is caratrized by darkness. The act of making love is destroying both of them, gerald is not able to give love but only destruction and death his woolfish nature has manifested in this act of love., everything in which is involved ends up to, his destroyed. His satisfaction derives from others suffering, and both of them find their satisfaction in the destruction of othrrs. Tgey are runing fron death but ironicly they find satisfaction in this destruction, which means that they are completly corrupt.
- the love scene is not only a destruction of the other but also apropriation( swollowing the other). Nothing lovely about this scene it is associated with destruction.
-gerald is destroying Gudurn, her softness, wormth, etc. which means that he is destroying her life. The death which inhabits the man is what displays to the surface. Love is physical for gudurn here love is in the head not love in the body. Knowldge is power, To know him means to apropriate him and make him under her own knowldge,she has transformed gim into an idea. everthing you know becomes under your control= they have this desire to more power, to become masters.
- some characters are described ad vimpiers= they are dead but they come back to life in order to suck others blood(life)= they are capable of giving death.
- in order to built his own ideas, DHL borrows from mythologies and recontract them in order to fit his own world
- loerke= he does not believe in life= life for him is a joke= an illusion.
He is not serious towards life. He is intressted in playing and joking. He has no faith in life. He is a sports man life for him is a game. Life, which is founded on fundamental principles and tents, for him is aseries of dissolution and corruption. He is in an advanced stage of corruption and dissolution. Because life has become meaningless for him, loerki is the living the life o the livivg dead in this corrupt and dark world. Loerki is destroying and killing life by transforming this horse, who stands for life, into something stock, stupid and brutal. What he believes and his attitudr towards life is reflected and manifested in his art. When u approach life mentaly, you take life out of things, you transforme everyhthing( living things into an idea. For him art is art and life is life. They are not related to each other, the piece of art has nothing to do with the outside.
-in this novel we are provided with people who are in a state o s death, DHL thinks that people should move from the state o living dead to the act of death.
- the role given to the arab character is to serve and to wait for others. He is a character that is made to be invisible, as not to be seen, there is no importance is attended to him, he does not take place in action. (Bending)= expressing miniority on others. He was described as leopard like fashion which means that he is bending low but also he is ready to attack. There is a deference between wat u see outside and what is realy inside. The autor is discribing him from the outside and also what lies beneath inside him. There os an analogy between one's physiology and sycology. He is described as being in a state of ash, meaning in a state of death, he is neither capable to die nor to live, he is stuck in corupt world. He is not capable of living but at the same time he refuses to die.
True existance is existing as an individual entity= pcessing a certain distingtive essence.
- for DHL if you have the capacity to die it means that you love life.
- the arab mare is used to symoblize an organic object and Gerald tried to destroy it by a mechanic object, suggesting that two cannot go together, they are in odds.-Gerald's will to power os shown in this subjection of this organic object. Gerald is dead as far as the body is concerned but alive as farvas the mind is concerned. (Half-smilling )acting like a woolf= suggesting pleasure and enjoyment. He finds a great pleasure in inflocting pain to others getald finds a certain satisfaction in sabduing the mare to his own power, he insists on his well and does not care about the mare's suffering. He is manifesting his power on this noble animal. The description of the mare is expressing the suffering she is going trough and that she is being destroyed, she is subjected to a slow death which is realy painful, everything about her is changing, we notice her shift to the abnormal. Transforming this naturale creature into a mechanical object, he changed her from one context to anther. When he finaly succeeded to subdue her, he she is acting not according to her nature anymore.
- for Gerald the father is a kind of sn armer, he is a kind of protection. Suggesting that his life is somehow related to his familly member's life, principly his father.
-There is nothing himan lift in Gerald, he has become mecanical. He does not percieve miners from a human perspective. For him they are just workers, if they work well they are good. He does not care about tyem even if they die.
- Gerald is raising the mind to the stage of divinity( deification of the mind), a stage o god. The mind has this power that we assign to god, he is transforming himself into a god.
- there should be a harmony between human kind and nature.humans are enimies of all what is organic, they have forgoten there own essence and they have focused more on the spiritual things.
- DHL prceives sociaty the way he understands it.
- in this novel we sense the centrality of human beings.
- the chatacters are not visible within the sociaty one cant know everything about them.
- symbols will be used to evoque certain characters .in approching this strange, unconcious part of this characters, DHL will use symbols. When Gudurn finds out this strange part of Gerald she associates him with light. Lighted: means that she was facinated with his strangness. Gerald crich is associated with symbols of light and water in its deferent forms. Whenever they talk about him there is always some light associated with him.
Knowledge is aquired trough cognitive means in oder words to have kbowldge trough perceptive means. Suggesting that one dont get knowldge from books but rather one can get knowldge from things themselfs.
- DHL believes that the mind maybe good but it can destroy the being.
- the autor is trying to explor the unconcious desire of the characters.
- there is also within the novel an attempt to constract an individual thats stands for a whole civilization. In order to build him as an individual that stands for the whole it will be built to remind the society of an important figure. The similarities between G.Crich and christ=but not on the religious aspect. One of the main similarities is the name= and both were not married. The character we are dealing with is not a normal character, he is meant to stand for the whole civilization and his life is as important as the while civilization.
Smilling woolf: means that behind his smile there is a kind of deferent nature. The intentions behind it are not good. He is perfect as far as tge social values( socialy speaking) are conserned, but in fact he has a hidden dark part he can grow to a vilent animal in any time. His desires are vilent, he is bloody person but in the smar time he is calm and still, he is like a woolf the share the same nature.
-DHL belIeves that culture is invented by men. It is a matter of knowldge.
Hermione sticks to society. hermione is going to be associated with the chines race( tgere is an analogy established between her and the chines race) physicalyy speeking she is week and peel= her identity is destroied bcuz she feeds on ideas. Hermione succumb to this reality of realizing whi she is.= brought to closer to ger identity. Before she was living in a illusionary world. Tge social status that she used to enjoy is vanishing . She said that when it comes to the world of ideas no one can put her down but he went beneath all her defences and made her realize who she realy is . His presence destroyed her becuz he is a man that doesnt stick to illusion. She want to take him as a lover but he thinks that she us nothing similar to a book. She is not that good lookinh woman any more becuz now she sees her self exactly tge way she is. She was described as a living dead.
- the process of desulotion will lead to death according to ritual scheeme.
DHL expresses the idea of the mind destroies the body, subjection of the body to the mind , this subjection means the destruction of the body, the destruction of one's essence. The things associated with the mind belong to the power of destruction and not the power of creation. He critisized science: he thinks that it is good but it helps in the destruction of humanity. The technology does not bring happiness, it brings more work more destruction and more suffering. It is good but at the same time it is destructive becuz it targets human sensebility. DHL wants to show that what the mind make does not necessary bring happiness ro human kind, insteed of producing happiness and love it produces suffering and destruction of senses. The mind is the sourse of all this suffering.insteed of controlling the machine, the machine is controlling them. They are subjugated by them and they have lost the hope.
- if Gerald has succeeded to build up a system its becus those miner has accepted it, and becuz they find a certain satisfaction in it . Gerald represents the religion that feel and desire. He is a man that they follow and worship. This system they find themself in is what they unconsciously desire, so we can say that Gerald is in a certain sense responding to the miners desire, it is not realy imposed on them . The miners find a certain satisfaction in this destruction.
- the workers and Gerald feel no need/ no obliation to greet each other, they intract between each other in a mechanical way, they have moved outside the himan scop. The relationship between them is and him is the one found on instrumentality, they deal with each other as instruments= their importance depends on their performance, they are not important as humans. They look at Gerald as an instrument and he does the same. He is like them he is just ahead.
- when we read about Gerald we discover that he is associated with death. He is a man who is able to give death. All what he is capable of is giving death( systomatic destruction of his familly). He has gone too far in the process of death. Gerald usher in a new era and makes an end to his father's. His father is important to him but somewhere inside him he desireshis death. He unconsciously desires his father's death. Unconsciously gerald is awar that the death of his father is the begining of his own. As his father is going through the process of death Gerald is becoming week. All his life he was a man interested in this mechanical activities, He has succeeded to make eveything perfect that he himself has become useless.he started to feel a certain emptyness within, he does not know what he was anymore. The fact of becoming useless has transformed him into the state of unexistance, he has reached a point when he realized he is empty inside. Death is invading him becuz everything has become meaningless, and when everything becomes meaningless automaticly life becomes meaningless. has become meaningless. He started to feel what it means to be dead.
- the death of Geralds father is not dealt with as a death of an individual but rather it is universal it is the desth of humanity in general
The living death: they are living but they are in a state of death.
- Gerald is deferent from the others he is s man who does not try to live in death, but rather he gives death. His father is dead and geraldcfound himself face to face with he moves trying to leave death behind him but infact he is just getting closer to it.
Gerald and Gudurn: what had brought them together is corruption and sense of destruction and not love, they are quite similar. The underbridge in where they make love is desribed as aworld of darkness ( the underworld) which is reminding the reader of the grave with is caratrized by darkness. The act of making love is destroying both of them, gerald is not able to give love but only destruction and death his woolfish nature has manifested in this act of love., everything in which is involved ends up to, his destroyed. His satisfaction derives from others suffering, and both of them find their satisfaction in the destruction of othrrs. Tgey are runing fron death but ironicly they find satisfaction in this destruction, which means that they are completly corrupt.
- the love scene is not only a destruction of the other but also apropriation( swollowing the other). Nothing lovely about this scene it is associated with destruction.
-gerald is destroying Gudurn, her softness, wormth, etc. which means that he is destroying her life. The death which inhabits the man is what displays to the surface. Love is physical for gudurn here love is in the head not love in the body. Knowldge is power, To know him means to apropriate him and make him under her own knowldge,she has transformed gim into an idea. everthing you know becomes under your control= they have this desire to more power, to become masters.
- some characters are described ad vimpiers= they are dead but they come back to life in order to suck others blood(life)= they are capable of giving death.
- in order to built his own ideas, DHL borrows from mythologies and recontract them in order to fit his own world
- loerke= he does not believe in life= life for him is a joke= an illusion.
He is not serious towards life. He is intressted in playing and joking. He has no faith in life. He is a sports man life for him is a game. Life, which is founded on fundamental principles and tents, for him is aseries of dissolution and corruption. He is in an advanced stage of corruption and dissolution. Because life has become meaningless for him, loerki is the living the life o the livivg dead in this corrupt and dark world. Loerki is destroying and killing life by transforming this horse, who stands for life, into something stock, stupid and brutal. What he believes and his attitudr towards life is reflected and manifested in his art. When u approach life mentaly, you take life out of things, you transforme everyhthing( living things into an idea. For him art is art and life is life. They are not related to each other, the piece of art has nothing to do with the outside.
-in this novel we are provided with people who are in a state o s death, DHL thinks that people should move from the state o living dead to the act of death.
- the role given to the arab character is to serve and to wait for others. He is a character that is made to be invisible, as not to be seen, there is no importance is attended to him, he does not take place in action. (Bending)= expressing miniority on others. He was described as leopard like fashion which means that he is bending low but also he is ready to attack. There is a deference between wat u see outside and what is realy inside. The autor is discribing him from the outside and also what lies beneath inside him. There os an analogy between one's physiology and sycology. He is described as being in a state of ash, meaning in a state of death, he is neither capable to die nor to live, he is stuck in corupt world. He is not capable of living but at the same time he refuses to die.
True existance is existing as an individual entity= pcessing a certain distingtive essence.
- for DHL if you have the capacity to die it means that you love life.
- the arab mare is used to symoblize an organic object and Gerald tried to destroy it by a mechanic object, suggesting that two cannot go together, they are in odds.-Gerald's will to power os shown in this subjection of this organic object. Gerald is dead as far as the body is concerned but alive as farvas the mind is concerned. (Half-smilling )acting like a woolf= suggesting pleasure and enjoyment. He finds a great pleasure in inflocting pain to others getald finds a certain satisfaction in sabduing the mare to his own power, he insists on his well and does not care about the mare's suffering. He is manifesting his power on this noble animal. The description of the mare is expressing the suffering she is going trough and that she is being destroyed, she is subjected to a slow death which is realy painful, everything about her is changing, we notice her shift to the abnormal. Transforming this naturale creature into a mechanical object, he changed her from one context to anther. When he finaly succeeded to subdue her, he she is acting not according to her nature anymore.
- for Gerald the father is a kind of sn armer, he is a kind of protection. Suggesting that his life is somehow related to his familly member's life, principly his father.
-There is nothing himan lift in Gerald, he has become mecanical. He does not percieve miners from a human perspective. For him they are just workers, if they work well they are good. He does not care about tyem even if they die.
- Gerald is raising the mind to the stage of divinity( deification of the mind), a stage o god. The mind has this power that we assign to god, he is transforming himself into a god.
- there should be a harmony between human kind and nature.humans are enimies of all what is organic, they have forgoten there own essence and they have focused more on the spiritual things.
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