samedi 11 janvier 2020

Wyndham Lewis. Journey into barbary. travel narrative Analysis

- the author is making himself the center of everything, he thinks that he is an adventurer. He is a man for whom knowldge is important,he is introducing himself as a man of knowldge, as person with mind capacityand that he belongs to the circle of intelectuals. He conseders himself as an intelectual who cant be a tourist.
- paris symbolizes knowldge= it was the center of culture.
- from the introduction we can know that morocco will be seen from  the perspective of the french coloney. His sight and presentation is constracted from a western perspective. Morocco doesnt exist in land it is just an idea, it exists as an idea contrasted by westerners so they dont represent it is but rather as they see it, as they conceive of it mentaly. They dont recognize its physical existance. For the west in general the orient is an idea, they dont recognize the individual existance of its people. What they say doesnt correspond to reality= the text is something and the reality is something else. It is a missrepresentation that had an object which is to justify their colonisation to morocco.
 Thats why they stick to knowldge , they are suggesting that they know more than what the people of the orient know, and that they are quilified more than them to talk about them,which doesnt make sense. They are saying that those people are primitive and that their intention is to civilize them. We come to know that knowldge is power, knowldge gives you power to talk but only that but also mute the others.
- most of the time, the natives are described to be lazy, suggesting that the space should belong to the one's who had the capacity to devolope it
- they dont have the capacity to understand the other' culture= they are describing the town as being unorgnizied and empty
- casa : thevtown is displaced from its own original and cultural context. It is inscribed within a western context,within the colonist's context, as being attached to Europe, Suggesting that morocco doesnt exist becuz he is adressing the Europe. He is expressing the idea that casa didnt exist before and that it has been built by the french. Tge history of casa is erased discarded, the autor has given it a new one. In order to write and built new foundations of a new history one should first erase the one that already exists.
- WL is telling the reader how to see things, he is setting up construction of a narrative perspective. He is not letting the readers to concieve and see things fromtheir own point of view but rather he is directing them, he does not leave the reader to be free to conceive things, he is creating a perspective to the reader to follow in order to persuade and convince him. He wants the reader to be against this over glorification of places with history( they see too much and too much is not there). For him what people have in their minds about this places is only fantasy images and tha the reality is completly deferent.
- i remember....: we notice that he disocial him self from the text to build up the text grom his imagination. From this story the autor is siggesting that the french are here in order to protect and save people that are fighting each other in chaos, and that its not a conquest or invasion but only for the sake of protection and civilization.
- the music scene: he described it from his own memory, from things that already exists in his mind, which shows that he is disparted from reality.
- the berbers: are presented in relation to their senses(physically) and not in relation to the mind(knowldge). Making use of their physical(body) capabilities in order to live. Using the physical abilities and senses rather than using their mind. They are too much devoloped when it comes to the physical consciousness and that they lack the knowldge. In opposition to the Europians whos use knowldge, logic and reason He is suggesting the the physical existance is not enough, but it should be associated and added to the mind in order to exist.
-the way the indian is presented is projected to the orient, the autor is trying to say that they are the same. He is trying to persuade the reader that the land belongs to no one and that thet are only discovering things. When representing africans and orientals there is no mention of their history, knowldge or civilization terms but instead they are described physically.
The autor is redducing the space into a word= means destroying its physical existance.
-Motives behind the description of the women space:
    -knowldge has been always associated with man.
The body in this case has become the text to be opened.
- there are some sites that the colonizer didnt succeed to see and invade including the women space,which contains beauty, women and sensual pleasure. But it is closed and forbident space for them to get into it. So it has become their opssetion to discover it. and without the invasion of thid sites of resisstance the colonial invasion will have no meaning at all. This invadion is not only a physical invadion of the land, but also invasion of what the land stands for, the history, the culture, the values, etc.
- romantic frame work:
   - tge scene in where the berber girl undress is displaced in order to be depected and inscribed with western framework. The autor choosed to deal with this scene in relation to western romance.  a certain gap is created between the text snd reality, the text is something and reality is something else. The on going process of uncovering the girl is related to the process of descovering the land. When wee say that the gaze is from the outside and not the inside it means that the writter displays it from its own context and describes and sees it from his own view in association with his culture and context which makes it a misrepresentation.
-reenactment of the colonial conquest:**
- thesight is a means of knowldge and means of the begining of appropriation= appropriation through  means of sight= what u see becomes on the context of your kneldge= to know is a means of possession.
    -knowldge quilify them to claim and possess the land.
Every invasion meets with a resisstance but the resisstance the orientals have is week.
- eveybody looked: they have become week in front of her body, an unconscious desire to see, they suffer from abnormality, they are not capablr of doing snything else but looking. She has this power to attrack them and subjecyy them by her body. They have become under her power. She os perceived as body, a physical entity, but this physical entity has defeated them.
- this shift to the french lge can explained as follows: morocco was colonized by the french, so there was this shift to french as to suggest the french control over morocco.
- in order to justify their ideas, mainly the colonolization of morocco, they show the natives as primitive people that have no knowldge. They still dont know how to count and that they have no notion of time ( the year of the wind), they are related to nature snd they live in telation to natural cycles. They are just bodies interacting with nature. The narrator is suggesting that  these people, who are charactized with inactivity,  are living in the same way they used to live along time ago. In opposition to westenets.who are dynamic and who have the capacity to devolop snd progress.

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